Fitness Equipment Glossary

Fitness Equipment Glossary

There are handfuls and many diverse kind of wellness hardware out there so monitoring them 
can be an incredible undertaking, in any event, for a specialist. The continually deluge of new sort of developments and hardware likewise don't help and can threaten newcomers to the wellness world. We have arranged a rundown of the most widely recognized terms with respect to wellness hardware and separate them to easy to comprehend, non-language clarifications. We have additionally point by point which body part the gear targets, if relevant. In the event that words like ergometer, P80 comfort and smith machine confuse you, this rundown will be your companion. We have gotten together all the wellness hardware names that we could discover and we are continually adding to this rundown. 

Stomach muscle Bench 

Class: Strength 

Body Parts Targeted: abs 

A stomach muscle seat is a wellness seat that is for the most part at a decay, for the most part with cushioned leg rollers to snare your legs or foot around to play out a crunch or sit-up. There are additionally flexible variants of these where you can perform various activities on. 

Flexible Bench 

Class: Strength 

Body Parts Targeted: N/A 

Like a level seat, however they are movable to either turn into a level seat, a slope seat or a decay seat. 


A shortening for the Precor AMT (Adaptive Motion Trainer) which is an across the board curved machine. It can change walks and adjust to the client with no manual changes. 

Circular segment Trainer 

Classification: Cardio 

Body Parts Targeted: hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteus maximus, center (on the off chance that it incorporates chest area: triceps, biceps, back) 

A cardio machine made by Cybex that intently looks like a curved, yet the free coasting pedal instrument further diminishes sway on your lower joints. 

Helped Chin Dip 

Classification: Strength 

Body Parts Targeted: triceps, deltoids, pectorals, abs, biceps 

A helped jawline plunge machine is a pinnacle with two jutting poles. A few machines will have the client either stoop or remain on a weighted stage. The client begins with their arms at a 90 degree edge and stretches out their arms to play out the activity. 


See passage for curved. 

Twist Bench 

Classification: Strength 

Body Parts Targeted: N/A 

Likewise here and there called a minister twist. This seat looks like a seat with a cushioned segment in front. The client puts their arm over the cushioned segment of the seat and can perform twists with appropriate structure. 


One of the main makers of wellness hardware. They principally spend significant time in creating quality gear with more than 150 one of a kind pieces. Cybex is additionally known for their creative Arc Trainer cardio machines. 

Decrease Bench 

Classification: Strength 

Body Parts Targeted: N/A 

A weight seat where the client's legs are higher than their head. It is utilized for seat squeezes that focus on the lower bit of the chest. 


Classification: Cardio 

Body Parts Targeted: hamstrings, quadriceps, gluteus maximus, center (on the off chance that it incorporates chest area: triceps, biceps, back) 

A curved is a fixed cardio machine that reproduces running or climbing. Clients remain on pedals which takes into account a low effect exercise. Some circular likewise have versatile arms which will likewise consider an extra chest area exercise. Additionally here and there alluded to as a curved crosstrainer or a crosstrainer. 

Ergometer - This is an incredible befuddling term. Here and there an ergometer can allude to the gadget inside your activity machine that tracks your measurements like pulse, calories consumed, separation run, and so forth. An ergometer can likewise be alluding to an indoor paddling machine. See paddling machine for additional definitions on the term utilized in that specific situation. 

Level Bench 

Classification: Strength 

Body Parts Targeted: N/A 

A level seat is intended for clients to lie level on. It is intended to help clients while they are performing seat presses. 

FreeMotion Fitness 

A wellness hardware producer that produces both quality and cardio gear. They are most popular for their FreeMotion Functional Trainer, which utilizes pulleys and links to permit an increasingly unique scope of movement. 

Practical Trainer 

Class: Strength 

Body Parts Targeted: Entire body 

Practical coaches are across the board wellness machines that normally seem as though one enormous pinnacle. A considerable lot of them use links or pulleys so as to oblige a wide range of activities. Practical coaches target chest area, lower body and the center. The kind of activity changes relying upon the model. 

Crane Fitness 

Crane Fitness is a San Diego based organization that produces quality preparing and indoor cycling items for business and home markets. 

Grade Bench 

Classification: Strength 

Body Parts Targeted: N/A 

A weight seat where the client's head is higher than their legs. For the most part utilized in seat presses and twists. 

Grade Press 

Classification: Strength 

Body Parts Targeted: pectorals (upper chest), deltoids, triceps 

The grade press machine is a weight machine that comprises of a seat with two handles situated before the client that are appended to loads. The client broadens their arms and gradually takes them back to beginning situation to finish a reiteration. 

Indoor Cycle 

Class: Cardio 

Body Parts Targeted: hamstring, quadriceps, calves, gluteus maximus, abs, tibilais front, center 

An indoor cycle is a fixed bicycle that is like an upstanding bicycle, yet is commonly littler and utilizes a weighted flywheel. It is generally utilized in indoor cycling classes where riders ride the indoor cycle in a gathering in a gathering, following a teacher and music. 

LeMond Fitness 

LeMond Fitness, controlled by Hoist Fitness, is a wellness organization framed by Greg LeMond that spends significant time in making fixed cycles. 

Life Fitness 

Life Fitness is one of the biggest and most regarded wellness gear makers. They produce each sort of hardware including cardio and quality machines. 

Framework Fitness 

Lattice Fitness is a business grade wellness gear maker. They are known for their mechanical plan and contemporary look. 

Olympic Bench 

Classification: Strength 

Body Parts Targeted: N/A 

Olympic seats are marginally bigger than standard seats and are commonly made of composite steel for most extreme toughness. Olympic seats are likewise progressively cushioned since they're intended to have the option to withstand bigger weight loads and heavier lifters. 

P80 Console - Precor's most up to date comforts for their cardio wellness hardware. It has a 15" LCD capacitive touchscreen. It is additionally iPod/iPhone perfect. 

P30 Console - Precor's more seasoned style comfort. Incorporates enormous LED show and movement controls. 

Force Rack 

Class: Strength 

Body Parts Targeted: N/A 

A force rack is a machine with four vertical bars and two portable even bars used to get free weights. Many force racks likewise accompany extra even bars to perform jawline ups and pull ups on notwithstanding free weight works out. They are normally wide enough for an individual to effectively fit inside, alongside a wellness seat. 

Minister Curl 

Class: Strength 

Body Parts Targeted: N/A 

See section for twist seat. 


Precor is an overall head in the home/business gym equipment because of their accentuation on unrivaled quality, inventive development and in general execution. They have practical experience in both quality hardware and cardio and are presumably most notable for their imaginative AMT (Adaptive Motion Trainer). 

Supine Bike 

Classification: Cardio 

Body Parts Targeted: hamstring, quadriceps, calves, gluteus maximus, abs, tibilais foremost 

A supine bicycle is an activity bicycle that puts its client in a leaning back situation with the pedals out before them. The supine bicycle is incredible for clients with back issues in light of the fact that there is 

less weight on the lower back because of the laid-back position. 

Smith Machine 

Class: Strength 

Body Parts Targeted: quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, back 

A smith machine is a machine for the most part comprising of a vertical steel rails that is utilized in weight preparing. It is essentially utilized with a hand weight and as a self-spotting machine. There are openings on the smith machine that you can snare a hand weight onto with just a touch of a wrist. There are additionally for the most part securities which can be set at any rate stature to get the hand weight and forestall wounds. Smith Machines normally just likewise vertical development and are fundamentally utilized for squats. 


A wellness organization set up in 1983 and known for their step climbing wellness gear. Their most popular items incorporate the stepper and stepmill. 

Star Trac 

Star Trac has been fabricating gym equipment for both home and business use since 1979. Their primary claims to fame are their Pro Treadmill lines, their total lines of selectorized quality gear and significantly more. 


Class: Cardio 

Body Parts Targeted: quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip flexors, calves 

A stepmill takes after an elevator as in it is a perpetual arrangement of turning steps. These means are joined to a belt that rotates with each progression. Stepmills are intended to precisely recreate step climbing and uses your own body weight as opposition, which can build the measure of calories consumed. 


Class: Cardio 

Body Parts Targeted: quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, hip flexors, calves 

Steppers are machines that have two one next to the other pedals that you siphon here and there to reproduce step climbing. Since steppers depend less on bodyweight, they are increasingly compelling for lighter people who might not have enough mass to appropriately move the stepmills. By and large, steppers permit you to modify obstruction level to alter power and trouble of the exercise. 

Upstanding Bike 

Class: Cardio 

Body Parts Targeted: hamstring, quadriceps, calves, gluteus maximus, abs, tibilais front, center 

An upstanding bicycle is an activity bicycle where the client sits in an uprig

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